The Great Liners (Episode 44)
£17.95 – £18.95
The Great Port of London (Part 3)
This is the 44th Episode in this unique series of “The Great Liners” and as always, it’s absolutely packed with rare film never shown to the general public before. Titled The Great Port of London (Part 3) it is, as the titles suggests, film showing the once Great Port of London when it was the biggest and busiest port in the world, with over 66,000 ship movements a year. When you watch this programme, you’ll never recognise the Thames as it is today, for instead of all those high rise luxury apartment blocks, expensive restaurants, hotels and towering high fiance offices, we see working docks such as St Katherine’s, Surrey, East India, Canada, Canary Wharf, the Royal Docks, Tilbury & many more, all crammed full of ships of every shape and size. They look absolutely wonderful in all this carefully restored film.
You know, it’s always good to see pictures of ships in magazines and books, but to be able to watch film that shows every aspect of shipping from build to launch, to working at quaysides, arrivals and departures and to actually sail aboard them on their voyages all over the world is just something else.
The sound has also been carefully restored, so you not only see the quaysides and ships, but you also hear the relevant sounds, and what better sound is there than that of tugs busily manoeuvring ships to and from their berths.
We will never be able to see sights like this ever again, but Snowbow has spent 23 years searching for and restoring film like this, so at least now this brilliant DVD allows us to perform magic, and to turn back the hands of time to see for ourselves just what it was like to visit London Docks it its unrivalled heyday…
This DVD is one huge treat for every ship lover, be you an ex-seafarer or ship enthusiast, so come on and treat yourself to this 60 minute maritime extravaganza. It’s so much better than almost anything on modern day TV!